Students explore a wide range of writing by women-poems, plays, novels, short stories, essays-in the context of historical and social concerns. The course normally concentrates on British, American, and Canadian women writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but in some semesters may concentrate on women writers from other centuries and cultures. (Cross-listed with Diversity and Social Justice Studies 2210). 05-01-2021-06-04-2021 Web Tuesday, Thursday 02:30PM - 03:45PM, Room to be Announced
Course description:

Winter 2021 course description: This course, “Writing by Women,” will particularly focus on women writing the city, exploring how women have experienced, imagined, and written about the city in fiction. We will focus on psychological, emotional, sensual, imaginative, and bodily experiences of urban space. Students will bring their own interdisciplinary interests to course discussion and assignments; possible topics will include gender, sex and sexuality, the environment/ecocriticism, place/geography, time, walking, the five senses (sight, smell, touch, sound, taste), romance, marriage, class, work/labour, race, health/well-being, nationality, social justice, and the connection between the ‘real’ and the imagined.