UPEI Moodle
Attention: First year students in Arts, Business, Engineering, Nursing, and Science
Many first-year students are invited via their UPEI email to participate in the CUSC-CCREU 2025 Survey of First Year Students. By completing the questionnaire, you will automatically be entered into draws to win one of the four early bird prizes valued at $100 each and a grand prize of $300. The draw date of early bird prizes is Friday, February 7. If you have not completed the survey yet, it is not too late to do it and to be included in the early bird prize draws and in the final grand prize draw in March.
Check your UPEI email account for an email invitation to complete the survey today. Your feedback is important in informing future planning at UPEI.
Accessing Your Winter Semester Courses
If you cannot access your winter semester courses confirm you are registered for the course in my.upei.ca. Your instructor might not have made the course available or may not be using Moodle for that class. If you are registered for the class and cannot access the course contact the course instructor for clarification.
Earn the Academic Integrity Badge
Complete the UPEI Academic Integrity Tutorial and earn UPEI's Academic Integrity Badge. Learn about what integrity means inside of an academic community. Some courses require the badge for various activities and assessments. This version of the badge does not expire each year and will not need to be re-earned unless the tutorial materials have been revised.
Access Mental Health Supports
UPEI Student Affairs understands that many factors can impact your mental health and your success as a student. Visit Student Affairs or come up to 5th Floor Dalton Hall to find out about our Counselling Services, Academic Coaching, Peer Support Program, and Campus Life Program to name just a few of our services to support you at UPEI.
Contact the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office
We understand that many folks in our University community are survivors of sexualized violence. UPEI takes sexualized violence seriously and has a Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office. Learn more at https://www.upei.ca/svpro or email sv-pro@upei.ca.
Resources for Instructors
The UPEI Teaching and Learning Centre has a page of resources that may be helpful for instructors. These resources include information about Indigenous Education, UPEI's Provisional Guidelines on the use of Generative AI, and Moodle Essentials. Access the Instructional Resources Page.
How to Open Your Course for Students
Students are added to Moodle courses 28 days prior to the official start date. To give instructors control over when students can view course materials Moodle courses are created in a 'hidden' state. Course instructors need to open courses for students to be able to access the course or receive course announcements. For information see our guide on opening your Moodle course.
How to Submit Final Grades
Moodle is the place to submit final grades to the Registrar's Office. See our guides for submitting final grades. For assistance submitting final grades please contact moodle@upei.ca.
Editing mode must be on to submit final grades.